
Showing posts from August, 2024

Doing the Work but Not Getting Payed or Any Credit

I am a private school teacher of a quite small institution. And you maybe  guessing it right away, we're quite understaff. And because we lack people to work on a project, as a teacher we are asked to lend some help for some.  As an ICT Teacher, I've been marked as part of called Research and Development Team, but basically it's just a team for marketing and promoting the school. Letting the school be known to others. It's quite a lot of task because the first projects are to create some brochures templates, tarpaulins, video plus a deadline not a strict one but of course put some pressure on the back.   And then questions came to my mind. Will I still do this work if I am not getting paid or won't get any credit from my works? Why does it feels like it is embarrassing to accept this job? Like "Pinapagod mo lamang sarili mo hindi ka naman bayad dyan. G na G ka pa." Why do I think that other people would look at me like, "Why are you so cra

How's my relationship with God recently?

Lately I've thought that I've grown lot spiritually. Like my spirit gets better. Little do I know that it is no brainer to tell such thing and I will always fall short to God's glory. It is God being good to me. Yet! I am not being good to Jesus. By reflecting, I realized that my relationship with God is one way. It's only Him being good to me. It's only me giving up my baggage on Him. It's only me putting on Jesus all my burdens in life. It's all me putting Jesus in my position for my sins. It's only me who Put's in the name of JESUS when everything my life falls apart. Its only me calling his name when there's stresses in my life. But when it's God's turn to call me by my name and He wants me to carry my cross. I turn my back away. I am closing my hearts to Him. Not until I need God again.  That's how I can describe my relationship with God.  Sounds....erggg right? But God is so Good. He always call me by my name. My spirit grown a

Masteral Program or Mastering Myself Program?

 It is first Friday of our teaching on our school and it ended with a half day for students and a seminar for us teachers. In that seminar, our school invited another branch of La Consolacion which is LCUP where they introduced a Graduate School like for masteral and doctoral. Amazing right? Just as how also they present the discount and the upside. On surface, it seems like it's really interesting to have that MaEd suffix at the end of my name. But the feeling didn't last. I know that it is not something that I want or impressed me.  For me I want something big. I want to really work on something. Something that would give value. Not something on thesis paper or added letters on my name. I think I better improve my skills or create my own business. To actually try, fail, and learn from it.  To actually execute and do something. To master myself and surrender myself to God's promise.

Confiscated Phones

 This school year I made a decision to raise my standard for how my student should behave on my class. As I am listening to a group for their presentation,  my students point out my other students who were just messing around with their classmates using their phones. To at least make them realize it was wrong,  As my class ended, I bring their phone with me for the next class, just a sign that I am bringing it with me. It's already 4:00 in the afternoon this two students were waiting for me. I have no idea what to tell them. Or how should I properly educate them. Should I just give it to them like I don't care at all? Guess what I've did. I've prayed. Asked God to show me His ways and He just did. It's a miracle for me. Proverbs 13 stands out for as I read the Bible.  A wise child accepts parent's discipline, a mocker refuses to listen to correction. -My students are wise to accept my discipline for them.  I love them.

Getting the roots done.

In the past few years, I thought I was building the right foundation Then I realize I am at the wrong soil I got to dig deeper again Maybe this time at the right soil With correct actions and foundation It's better to start over again Than to finish a race I never really wanted. Maybe you ask that's much All those years weren't a waste There are tons of things that worked and didn't A vision being cleared and a path being paved. --------------------------------------- I was having an initial thought lately that by December, my co-teachers have done massive move to their being passing the LET. I noticed a pattern that I am comparing their career success to my whole being. It's my thought writing this poem. As my co-workers waving their stems up in the sky by December, I am building my roots. It's more likely that I'm seeing it in a negative way than positive.  In my own wisdom, I can upgrade my life in different aspect of my life like on physical or business.