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Atomic Habits by James Clear a Book Review

To teach is to learn it twice so let me share with you my insights and what I have learned after reading Atomic Habits by James Clear so let me get started haha. We all have goals and target success to chase. The thing is we thought that to make a massive success we need a massive effort but it's not. Atomic Habits proved that by compounding improvements over time or being 1% better everyday will bring us success we wanted.  But be careful because habit is a double edge sword, it can either build you up or cut you down.  Most of us troubling to change and it's not because we didn't want to but it's the system, we didn't know what and where to change. First is to set a goal, and break it down with what process, action, and habits you should take in order to reach your goal. Once you know your goal then commit yourself with the process, focus on the system. Do not rise to the level of your goal, fall in the level of your system. Learn to fall in love with