How's my relationship with God recently?

Lately I've thought that I've grown lot spiritually. Like my spirit gets better. Little do I know that it is no brainer to tell such thing and I will always fall short to God's glory.

It is God being good to me. Yet! I am not being good to Jesus.

By reflecting, I realized that my relationship with God is one way. It's only Him being good to me.

It's only me giving up my baggage on Him. It's only me putting on Jesus all my burdens in life. It's all me putting Jesus in my position for my sins. It's only me who Put's in the name of JESUS when everything my life falls apart. Its only me calling his name when there's stresses in my life.

But when it's God's turn to call me by my name and He wants me to carry my cross. I turn my back away. I am closing my hearts to Him. Not until I need God again. 

That's how I can describe my relationship with God. 

Sounds....erggg right? But God is so Good. He always call me by my name.

My spirit grown a lot because He is near.
My spirit gets better because I am reaching toward Him.

Now I crave for a better relationship with God.

Matthew 16:24-26 says..

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If you truly want to follow me, you should at once completely reject and disown your own life. And you must be willing to share my cross and experience it as your own, as you continually surrender to my ways. For if you choose self-sacrifice and lose your lives for my glory, you will continually discover true life. But if you choose to keep your lives for yourselves, you will forfeit what you try to keep.

And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?

A relationship cannot be just God loving me. It also me, loving God. That I love God so much that I can be less of me and more of Him.

This is my life with Jesus.

I hope reading this may help you reflect and realize your relationship with God.

God loves you. And He loved us first.

Your warmest superhero,



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