Self Analysis


 I often hear people telling that it's not right to assess yourself. But, not on me. I love analysing and judging myself. It's challenging and keeps me right on track with the things I value. 

 Do you complain often of "feeling bad" and if so, what is the cause?

    No, I know that every problem I have is only byproduct of my own incompetence. When promlems emerge and I am starting to feel bad. I always I ask myself how can I shift my mood and my focus to something more productive.

Do you find fault with other people at the slightest provocation?

    No, I simply ask myself what is their intention. I am practicing myself to learn to understand people.

Do you frequently make mistakes in your work? If so, why?

   No, not o often.  If so, it is because of multitasking that unables me to focus on my work.

Are you sarcastic and offensive in your conversation?

    Yes.I'm sarcastic. I often choose the "right word" to say to other people because I am afraid to be judge if I say something wrong.

Do you deliberately avoid association of anyone, and if so, why?

    No. If there's a chance on my work to associate with ather people, I am always glad accepting it.

Do you suffer frequently with indigestion? If so, what is the cause?

     Yes. When I have been in too much emotion, unpreparedness, and doing unplanned things lead to overthinking.

Does life seem futile and the future hopeless to you? If so, why?

    Sometimes, I am kind of  doubting myself. Now, I just think that if I can control myself to extend further from my comfort zone to do the things that I should be doing little by little, maybe I can have an edge overtime.
    I also noticed that reviewing my definite goal and having fatih in it keeping me on track.

Do you like your occupation? If not, why?

    Yes. Kind of. I'm an student and working as an axie player. I have no source of income other than that and I want to grab that opportunity.

Are you envious of those who excel you?

    I cheer for those people who work for things they have. Sometimes I just tell that they're lucky and kind of judging them if they really deserve it or not. But who am I to judge? Rather than being envious, I find myself  looking on things what they've gotten through to get there.

To which do you devote most time, thinking SUCCESS, or FAILURE?

  Simply to my Future self.

Are you gaining or losing self confidence as you grow older?

    I am gaining confidence.

Do you learn something of value from all your mistakes?

    Yes. And I get quite disappointed of myself when I do same set of shit things again.

Are you permitting some relative or acquaintance worry you? If so, why?

    Yes.KInd of. Because I'm near to them.

Are you sometimes "in the clouds" and at the other times in the depths of despondency?

    Yes, when I have things not in plan. When I get negative comments, I feel deiscourage.  

Who has the most inspiring influence upon you? What is the cause?

    My siblings and friends.

Do you tolerate negative discouraging influences which you can avoid? If so, when and why?

    Maybe on social media. Such as unrealistic things that make my standards derailed on reality that  know. 

Have you learned how  to "drown your troubles" by being busy to be annoyed by them?

    Sometimes, I just simply sleep.

Are you careless of your personal appearance? If so when and why?

    Lately, Yes. Because I didn't find importance grooming myself since I'm just at home.

How many preventable disturbances annoy you, and why do you tolerate them?

    Many, because I am near of them.

Do you resort to liquor, narcotics, or cigarettes to "quite your nerves"? If so why do you not try will-power instead?

    No, but I also want to practice my will power.

Does anyone "nag" you, and if so for what reason?

   Yes, when I did't meet their expectation, and my fault of not doing When i didn't do things I can and should be doing.

Do you have Definite Major Purpose, and if so, what is it, and what plan you have for achieving it?

    My goal is to live a decent life. Career, Investment, Business, Art, God, and Family. 

    I kind of working on these things on planned long term and short term goals.

    Two years from now, I am quite invested. And will passed the LET exam as a Top Passer!

Do you suffer on any six basic fears? (poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love someone, old age, death) If so why?

    Criticism, I should learn not to give a fuck to things that does'nt really matter.

Have you a method by which you can shield against negative influence of others?

    Distancing myself to them, and getting involve to people that have more positive impact to me. 

    Reviewing and Celebrating my progress.

Do you make deliberate use of auto-suggestion to make your mind positive?

    Yes, creative imagination and being proactive.

Which do you value most, your material possessions or your privilege of controlling your own thoughts?

    Controlling my own thoughts.

Are you easily influenced by others? against your own judgements?


Has today added anything of value to your stock of knowledge or state of mind?


Do you face squarely the circumstances which make you unhappy, or sidestep the responsibility?

    Sometimes I sidestep responsibility. I want to develop a skill of confrontation.

Do you analyse all mistakes and failures and try to profit by them or , do you take the attitude that this not your duty?

    I often ask myself what's wrong with me. And deal with it.

Can you name three of your most damaging weakness?

    The fact that I just want to look good to others.

    I'ts hard for me say no.


What are you doing to correct them?

    I practice my values. Review my goal and purpose..

Do you encourage other people to bring their worries to you for sympathy?


Do you choose, from your daily experience, lessons or influences which aid in your personal advancement?


Does your presence have negative influence on other people as a rule?


What habits of other people annoy you most?


Do you form your own opinions or permits yourself to be influenced by other people?

    I form my own opinion, there's thing on me that I want to be different.

Have you learned how to create a mental state of mind with which you can shield yourself against all discouraging influences?

    Yes, Backing up myself with my goals and system.

Does your occupation inspire you with faith and hope?


Are you conscious of possessing spiritual forces power to enable you to keep your mind from all forms of fear?


Does your religion help you to keep your own mind positive?


Do you feel it your duty to share other people's worries? If so, why?

    It's my duty specially with my family because I value them.

If you believe that "birds of a feather flock together" what have you learned about yourself by studying the friends whom you attract?

    Working for their future

What connection, if any, do you see between the people with whom you associate most closely , and any unhappiness you may experience?


Could it be possible that some person whom you consider to be friends is, in reality, your worst enemy, because of his negative influence in your mind?


By what rules do you judge who is helpful and who is damaging to you?


Are your intimate associates mentally superior or inferior to you?

    Superior / Inferior

How much time out of 24 hours do you devote to:

a. your occupation  11hrs

b. sleep 5hrs

c. play and relaxation 4hrs

d. acquiring useful knowledge 3hrs

e. plain waste 1hr

Who among your acquaintances,

a. encourage you the most Ate Angie, Ate Ara,

b. cautions you the most Arnel, Mama

c. discourage you the most Peers

d. helps you  the most in other ways Friends

What is your greatest worry? Why do you tolerate it?


What can you do about it?

    Do things I should be doing

When others offer you free, unsolicited advice, do you accept it without question or analyze their motive?

    I ask what's their intention. 

What, above else, do you most DESIRE? Do you intend to acquire it?

    To Top the LET Exam and Be an Educator

    To be a Profitable Trader

    To be well invested

    To be Physically Fit and Healthy

    To keep my passion of writing.

Are you willing to subordinate all other desires for this one?

     Yes, I am willing.

How much time daily do you devote acquiring it? Why?

    I want to seize each day working on these goals day by day.

Do you change your mind often? If so, why?

    Outside circumstances, that opens my mind.

Do you usually finish everything you begin?


Are you easily impressed by other people's business or professional titles, college degrees or wealth?

     Yes. I admire their hardwork.

Are you easily influence by what other think or say of you?


Do you cater to people because of their social or financial status?


Whom do you believe to be the greatest person living?

    Living a purposeful life.

In what respect is this person superior to yourself?

    Financial and Intellectual

How much time did you answer these questions?

    An Hour. 


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