
Showing posts from May, 2022

Who Washed the Clothes?

                     My nephew who's a baby got ill, Alexi and as my elder sister is worried, our parents did too. They travel from our home to Quezon City to lend help babysitting my elder sister's first child, "The Coconut" Baby Mira.                     Just this morning, on my big surprise my mother came home just to wash the clothes. She was still worried about her grandchild, my nephew who's still recovering and just like that after she washed the clothes she immediately get back to my elder sister's place. (Ate Avee).                    Around 6:00 in the evening my sister Ate Ara got home and for no reason she's on a good mood. She asked, who washed the clothes? Then I answered,                    Si mama, umuwi para maglaba haha. *May I please borrow some of your time to pray for our baby Lexi for her fast recovery, and she grows healthy and strong like how my My Ate Avee.  *Thanks for reading! May God bless you and your family too! <3333

Ping Ping

                          My father have this small business of sandals and slippers making. Not just that, my father also does shoe repairing, and sells lots of goods such as shoes and bags that he canvas on Divisoria. As a man, he's not only hardworking but also diligent.  He is also a great father, with my mother they help us grow up knowing what is right and wrong. They made us who we are right now, what we need to do is to progress and grow on our own because we should be capable of taking care of our own.                         Earlier my father asked me if I could buy him an outsole, a material we commonly use in making a sandal. Not a seconds pass by and I immediately answered YES to him. I looked at my father's face and I've seen his face feel relieved. He was happy that he have the time to rest instead of riding a bike to buy the outsole.                         It's already 3:00 PM and I think the weather is in my favor. Not a typical afternoon when the sun

Doing Things With God

                     I don't know how to read a bible. Yes, you read it right.                        Maybe you're planning to close this tab of your google chrome  now as this blogpost now leads to a "gospel thing" topic. But please, have more minutes to continue. This story; had a special piece in my life.                  It was mid of my senior high school year when I realized that life is short and the life that I'm living is only for myself. As a man, I want myself to be seen by other people as strong as steel, as brave as lion, even though to myself I am not. That time I take away my pride and ego. Back then, I was not that close with my sisters so I texted a friend of mine whom I trust and asked her.                       "How should I pray?"                       "What is the right way to pray?"                         As I read her reply, it feels like the answer that I am looking for has been all over my head. I just need to do it. T